Your valued opinion...

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Your valued opinion...

Post by sblasic » 2023-12-27 13:17

Hi All!

Excuse me for asking such a question in this section - but this one seems the most adequate of the ones offered...

Question to YOU:
I would like to hear your valued opinion on whether it's worth starting an online application development business using AppGini (+ plugins)?

What are your experiences?

To what extent is AI already a threat to the launch of such business?

Thank you very much for your opinion and suggestions!

All the best in the New Year,


Posts: 15
Joined: 2023-12-10 16:44
Location: Seattle, WA USA

Re: Your valued opinion...

Post by kmullins » 2023-12-29 05:45

In my opinion, you might want to think about this a little differently.

In the end, it doesn't matter what tools you use like Appgini, because ultimately you should be focused on solving the needs of your customers in the best way you can. For the majority of customers you might attract, you would find they don't care about the tools, all they are about at the end of the day is whether you can take their needs in whatever poor way they can articulate it to you and turn that into a solution that meets their needs.

Using a tool like Appgini doesn't assist with the biggest part of why someone would hire you. In the end with Appgini, you are building a MySQL and PHP application that has low hosting costs from a software licensing perspective. The tools you use to get the job done do not matter to your customers.

That is just my two cents.
I know enough to be dangerous but not enough to be effective.
AppGini 24.17

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Re: Your valued opinion...

Post by sblasic » 2024-01-08 15:43

Hi kmullins!

Thank you for your honest opinion, and sorry for the late reply!

I was having in mind the AI and the future profitability of making online applications via AppGini or some other tool.

So, to be more precise:
Does it make business sense to even start with such a service, or will AI take over all these similar jobs anyway?

Thank you, and all the best in '24!

Posts: 15
Joined: 2023-12-10 16:44
Location: Seattle, WA USA

Re: Your valued opinion...

Post by kmullins » 2024-02-07 06:19

I think I still go with the same answer. AI doesn't even come close to solving the primary business objective, which is being able to talk to someone, listen to their needs, and turn that into a working solution. I don't think an average business person can manipulate AI prompts to build a solution that meets all their needs.

You might become experienced enough to leverage AI to build the solution or use Appgini, but I think my end statement is the same. You are selling the skill to listen to someone's needs and develop a solution that meets those needs.

Again, just my two cents.

I know enough to be dangerous but not enough to be effective.
AppGini 24.17

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