Download error!?

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Download error!?

Post by meickert » 2024-07-31 19:32

Hi everyone,
I created an AG-App with 2 different Table-Sets. In the table "db_organisation" (table-set 2) there is a field "db_Checkliste". Here, as an admin, I want to upload a file (which works). Later, the user should be able to click a checkbox "Vorlage" via the table "Organisation" (table-set 1) and then select the record that I have stored in "db_Checkliste" of "db_organisation. This all works as well.

The text is then fully there and the clickable icon for the file also appears. However, only the admin can download the file in the original table (db_organisation) "db_Checkliste". Through the table "Organisation" (tabe 1), However, now when I click on the download icon, I get a blank screen. I cannot download the file in AppGini either as an admin or as a regular user. Is there a workaround for this or did I misunderstand something? User rights for all tables are, of course, given, but it still somehow doesn't work with the uploaded file.

Hope someone could understand my problem :)

Thx for your help!

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