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Advanced wuery for look up

Posted: 2024-03-01 00:05
by jmcgov
Hi Ahmed and Appgini'rs
When I insert a look up field in a table, I have the option to
- inherit permissions, OR
- do an advanced query
Problem is, I want to only records that
- a field called ADDRESS with a value > 0, AND
- a field called USERNAME with a value that == the logged in username
Can I do that?

Re: Advanced wuery for look up

Posted: 2024-03-02 17:19
by jmcgov
Any thoughts anyone?

Re: Advanced wuery for look up

Posted: 2024-03-03 21:03
by pbottcher
Out of my knowledge that is not possible, as you cannot access the logged in username at the moment that advanced query.

Re: Advanced wuery for look up

Posted: 2024-03-04 16:15
by jmcgov
pböttcher wrote:
2024-03-03 21:03
Out of my knowledge that is not possible, as you cannot access the logged in username at the moment that advanced query.
OK, thank you.
I winder if I could create a hook routine that would find and replace the query - do you know where it is stored?

Re: Advanced wuery for look up

Posted: 2024-03-09 11:24
by onoehring

in a quick test my "advanced query" was stored in two files:


This would be my point of intervention: Instead of returning the advanced SQL built that SQL in place and grabbing the current user. Sound possible to me.


Re: Advanced wuery for look up

Posted: 2024-04-01 03:58
by jmcgov
Thanks @olaf. Will try to modify those files from hooks