How do I save the amount and not the id in my database?

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How do I save the amount and not the id in my database?

Post by pasbonte » 2023-11-08 18:16

Good evening

I have a database that works well, the staff enter hours by choosing in a combo field, but the value is always recorded with the id and not with the number, the amount. How do I save the amount and not the id in my database?

How do I save the amount and not the id in my database?

I'm attaching copies to be clearer,

thank you
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Re: How do I save the amount and not the id in my database?

Post by jsetzer » 2023-11-08 18:42

That's the way lookups work. They store the primary key of the chosen record.

Consider adding another field and configure it as calculated field. The SQL command should fetch the value from the 2nd table where
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Re: How do I save the amount and not the id in my database?

Post by pbottcher » 2023-11-09 22:14

Hi pasbonte,

maybe you explain a bit more what you try to acheive and why you need to store that data in the same table. That could help in finding a solution.
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Re: How do I save the amount and not the id in my database?

Post by baudwalker » 2023-11-09 23:17

Hi pasbonte,

Have a look at this.



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