ruview chart.php (modification for month and year view)

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ruview chart.php (modification for month and year view)

Post by sacgtdev » 2021-04-29 07:28

Try to modify the custom page so that it can be view by selecting both month and year options. The chart can be either viewed at specific month or throughout the year if the year/month was selected or year selected only. Puzzling.. :?: . Any idea?

// config
$chart = array(
'dayWidth' => 3,
'resourceHeight' => 40,
'left' => 300,
'top' => 150,
'resourceSeparator' => 2,
'colors' => array(
'#FFC57F', '#B9FF7F', '#7FFFC5', '#7FB9FF', '#C47FFF', '#FF7FB9', '#D8984B', '#8BD84B', '#4BD898', '#4B8BD8', '#984BD8', '#D84B8B', '#D8B68C', '#AFD88C', '#8CD8B6', '#8CAFD8', '#B68CD8', '#D88CAF'




// some initilization
$resourceProject = $project = $projectColor = $resource = $unavailableResource = $assignment = array();

// chart parameters

//Added variable for month
if(!$year) $year=date('Y');
if(!$month) $month=date('m');

// get projects
$res=sql("select Id, Name from projects", $eo);
while($row = db_fetch_row($res)){
$project[$row[0]] = $row[1];
$projectColor[$row[0]] = $chart['colors'][$i++];

// get resources
$res=sql("select Id, Name, Available from resources", $eo);
while($row = db_fetch_row($res)){
$resource[$row[0]] = $row[1];
if(!$row[2]) $unavailableResource[$row[0]] = $row[1];

// get assignments for open projects for selected year
$assignment = array();
$res=sql("select * from assignments where StartDate<='$endDate' and EndDate>='$startDate'", $eo);
while($row = db_fetch_assoc($res)){
$assignment[] = array(
'Id' => $row['Id'],
'ProjectId' => $row['ProjectId'],
'ResourceId' => $row['ResourceId'],
'StartTS' => strtotime($row['StartDate']),
'EndTS' => strtotime($row['EndDate']),
'Commitment' => $row['Commitment']

$resourceProject[$row['ResourceId']][$row['ProjectId']] = 0;
$resourceProject[$row['ResourceId']][$row['ProjectId']] = count($resourceProject[$row['ResourceId']]);


View code begins below

// Years navigator
$prevYear = $year - 1;
$nextYear = $year + 1;
// Added variable for month
$prevMonth = $month - 1;
$nextMonth = $month + 1;

<!-- refresh content every minute -->
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="60;url=chart.php?year=<?php echo $year; ?>&month=<?php echo $month; ?>">

<div class="page-header"><h1 class="text-center">
<a class="btn btn-default btn-lg hspacer-lg" href="chart.php?year=<?php echo $prevYear; ?>"><?php echo $prevYear; ?></a>
<?php echo $year; ?>
<a class="btn btn-default btn-lg hspacer-lg" href="chart.php?year=<?php echo $nextYear; ?>"><?php echo $nextYear; ?></a>

// Added html code for month
<div class="page-header"><h1 class="text-center">
<a class="btn btn-default btn-lg hspacer-lg" href="chart.php?year=<?php echo $prevYear; ?>"><?php echo $prevMonth; ?></a>
<?php echo $month; ?>
<a class="btn btn-default btn-lg hspacer-lg" href="chart.php?year=<?php echo $nextYear; ?>"><?php echo $nextMonth; ?></a>

// Display month grid lines
$prevLeft = $chart['left'];
$thisMonth = date('n');
$thisYear = date('Y');
for($m=1; $m<=12; $m++){
$daysPerMonth = date('t', strtotime("$year-$m-01"));
position: absolute;
left: <?php echo $prevLeft; ?>px;
height: <?php echo ((count($resource) + 1) * ($chart['resourceHeight'] + $chart['resourceSeparator'])); ?>px;
border-left: dotted 1px Silver;
<?php if($m==12){ ?>border-right: dotted 1px Silver;<?php } ?>
top: <?php echo ($chart['top'] + $chart['resourceHeight'] + $chart['resourceSeparator']); ?>px;
text-align: center;
font-family: Arial; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold;
width: <?php echo ($daysPerMonth * $chart['dayWidth']); ?>px;
<?php echo date('M Y', strtotime("$year-$m-01")); ?>

// today line
if($year==$thisYear && $m==$thisMonth){
title="Today, <?php echo date('j/n/Y'); ?>"
border-left: solid 2px DarkRed;
position: absolute;
top: <?php echo ($chart['top'] + ($chart['resourceHeight'] + $chart['resourceSeparator']) * 1.5); ?>px;
left: <?php echo ($prevLeft + (date('j') - 1) * $chart['dayWidth']); ?>px;
height: <?php echo ((count($resource) + 0.5) * ($chart['resourceHeight'] + $chart['resourceSeparator'])); ?>px;
z-index: 2;

$prevLeft += $daysPerMonth * $chart['dayWidth'];

// Display resource names
foreach($resource as $ResourceId => $ResourceName){
$available = (array_key_exists($ResourceId, $unavailableResource) ? false : true);
position: absolute;
top: <?php echo ($chart['resourceHeight'] * ($ResourceId + 1) + $chart['top'] + $ResourceId * $chart['resourceSeparator']); ?>px;
border-bottom: solid 1px Silver;
width: <?php echo (365 * $chart['dayWidth'] + $chart['left']); ?>px;
height: <?php echo intval($chart['resourceHeight']); ?>px;
font-family: Arial;
font-size: 12px;
href="resources_view.php?SelectedID=<?php echo $ResourceId; ?>"
text-decoration: <?php echo ($available ? 'none' : 'line-through'); ?>;
color: <?php echo ($available ? 'DarkBlue' : 'Silver'); ?>;
"><?php echo $ResourceName; ?></a>

// Display project assignment bars
$yearStartTS = strtotime(date("$year-01-01"));
$yearEndTS = strtotime(date("$year-12-31 23:59:59"));
foreach($assignment as $assDetails){
$chartStartTS = max($assDetails['StartTS'], $yearStartTS);
$chartEndTS = min($assDetails['EndTS'], $yearEndTS);
position: absolute;
width: <?php echo intval(($chartEndTS - $chartStartTS + 86400) / 86400 * $chart['dayWidth']); ?>px;
left: <?php echo intval(($chartStartTS - strtotime("$year-01-01")) / 86400 * $chart['dayWidth'] + $chart['left']); ?>px;
height: <?php echo intval($chart['resourceHeight'] * $assDetails['Commitment']); ?>px;
background-color: <?php echo $projectColor[$assDetails['ProjectId']]; ?>;
top: <?php
echo (
$chart['top'] +
$chart['resourceHeight'] * ($assDetails['ResourceId'] + 1) +
$assDetails['ResourceId'] * $chart['resourceSeparator'] +
($assDetails['Commitment'] < 1 ?
($resourceProject[$assDetails['ResourceId']][$assDetails['ProjectId']] > 1 ?
(1 - $assDetails['Commitment']) * $chart['resourceHeight']
); ?>px;
cursor: pointer;
text-align: center;
font-size: 10px;
font-family: Arial;
color: #004 !important;
font-weight: bold;
opacity: 0.5;
title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($project[$assDetails['ProjectId']].': '.$resource[$assDetails['ResourceId']]); ?>. <?php echo ($assDetails['Commitment'] * 100); ?>% commitment from <?php echo date('j/n/Y', $assDetails['StartTS']); ?> to <?php echo date('j/n/Y', $assDetails['EndTS']); ?>"
onclick="window.location='assignments_view.php?SelectedID=<?php echo $assDetails['Id']; ?>';">
<?php echo $project[$assDetails['ProjectId']]; ?>


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Re: ruview chart.php (modification for month and year view)

Post by onoehring » 2021-04-30 11:06


well ... I am not sure what you expect.
What custom page?
What are you trying to accomplish - where? Screenshot(s)?
What happens - and what should happen...

And please use the [ code ] ... [ /code ] format to put your code in - it makes it much easier to read.


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