Email with pointer to record id

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Email with pointer to record id

Post by utony » 2024-07-25 21:27

I am trying to figure this out and keep striking out.

I want to send email to a set of user upon status change, no problem got that. But I want to send the users to record that was updated. How do I create a lick that sends a user to the record ID?

my Primary key is = 'Close_Patrol_ID'

current code

Code: Select all

$tn = 'Close_Patrol'; 
	$cn = 'Report_Status'; 
	$pk_cn = getPKFieldName($tn);
	$pk = $data[$pk_cn];
	$data_current = getRecord($tn, $pk);

	if ($data[$cn] == 'Closed') {

			'to' => 'email address here',
			'cc' => '',
			'subject' => 'Close Patrol Report Closed',          
			'message' => 'This is where I need the message to go with the direct link to the record that was closed'

User need to log in to see the record as well. Any help would be great!

I saw this post, but it did not help. ... ed-records

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Re: Email with pointer to record id

Post by utony » 2024-07-25 21:28

Additionall, if I want the email to have all the data point in it, rather than displaying a link. what is the structure for that?

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Re: Email with pointer to record id

Post by utony » 2024-07-25 21:30

here are my data fields.

"`Close_Patrol`.`Close_Patrol_ID`" => "Close Patrol ID",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Report_Status`" => "Report Status",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Sector`" => "Sector",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Incident_Number`" => "Incident Number",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Date_Recieved`" => "Date Recieved",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Received_By`" => "Received By",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Street_Number`" => "Street Number",
"IF( CHAR_LENGTH(`streets1`.`street_names`), CONCAT_WS('', `streets1`.`street_names`), '') /* Street */" => "Street",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Reason`" => "Reason",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Effective_Date`" => "Effective Date",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Time_From`" => "Time From",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Time_To`" => "Time To",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Expiration_Date`" => "Expiration Date",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Extended_Expiration`" => "Extended Expiration",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Extended_By`" => "Extended By",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Reporting_Party_Name`" => "Reporting Party Name",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Reporting_Party_Address`" => "Reporting Party Address",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Reporting_Party_Phone`" => "Reporting Party Phone",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Supervisor_Approving_Close_Patrol`" => "Supervisor Approving Close Patrol",
"`Close_Patrol`.`General_Document`" => "General Document",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Finalizing_Officer`" => "Finalizing Officer",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Date_Report_Finalized`" => "Date Report Finalized",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Ending_Incident_Number`" => "Ending Incident Number",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Ending_Remarks`" => "Ending Remarks",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Releasing_Supervisor`" => "Releasing Supervisor",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Record_Created_By`" => "Record Created By",
"`Close_Patrol`.`Record_Edited_By`" => "Record Edited By",

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Re: Email with pointer to record id

Post by zibrahim » 2024-07-26 10:08

Hi there,
for the link in the email, try this.

Code: Select all

$tn = 'Close_Patrol';
$cn = 'Report_Status';

$pk_cn = getPKFieldName($tn);
$pk = $data[$pk_cn];
$data_current = getRecord($tn, $pk);
$url = "https://YOURDOMAIN.COM/Close_Patrol_view.php?SelectedID=" . $data['Close_Patrol_ID'];

if ($data[$cn] == 'Closed') {

		'to' => 'email address here',
		'cc' => '',
		'subject' => "Close Patrol Report Closed",
		'message' => "This is the direct link to the record that was closed. <br> $url"

Appgini 24.17, MacOS 14.6 Windows 11 on Parallels.

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Re: Email with pointer to record id

Post by utony » 2024-07-27 16:04

It works great! Thank you!.

One follow up question though. So on phone email you can click the link but in desktop email - the email displays link but it is not clickable. Any idea?

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