Assingning ownership to automatically created records

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Assingning ownership to automatically created records

Post by wilmira » 2024-07-12 00:37

Hello everybody,

I have succesfully solved this problem using the solution found here:

However the code does not work if I use the return FALSE. Here is my code:

Code: Select all

function espacios_after_insert($data, $memberInfo, &$args) {
	$memberid1 = ($memberInfo['username']);	
	$num_esp = $data['num_esp'];
	sqlvalue("INSERT INTO ocupacion (ing_ocupa, sal_ocupa, disp_ocupa, usid_ocupa) VALUES (0, 0, '$num_esp', '$memberid1')");
	/*Assigning the record to the user*/
		$id_ocupa=sqlValue("select `id_ocupa` from `ocupacion` where `usid_ocupa`='$memberid1'");
		set_record_owner("ocupacion", $id_ocupa, $memberid1);
		return TRUE;
In order to avoid any issues it was recomended in the post that I should return FALSE my code, however it won´t work if I do that. What happens when I use return FALSE is that I do assing the owner to the new record on the table "ocupacion", but the record in the table "espacios" is created without an owner.

Should I expect any issues when return FALSE is not used?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Wilfredo Mira

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Re: Assingning ownership to automatically created records

Post by pbottcher » 2024-07-12 07:59


maybe you can try:

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function espacios_after_insert($data, $memberInfo, &$args) {
	$memberid1 = ($memberInfo['username']);	
	$num_esp = $data['num_esp'];
	sqlvalue("INSERT INTO ocupacion (ing_ocupa, sal_ocupa, disp_ocupa, usid_ocupa) VALUES (0, 0, '$num_esp', '$memberid1')");
	/*Assigning the record to the user*/
		$id_ocupa = db_insert_id(db_link());
		set_record_owner("ocupacion", $id_ocupa, $memberid1);
		return TRUE;
Not tested, but you will figure out quickly :-)
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Re: Assingning ownership to automatically created records

Post by wilmira » 2024-07-12 17:02

Hi Pbottcher,

Thank you for your answer, that is the same code I am using and it is working, I am just concern about closing the code with return TRUE could cause some issues later on, because it was recommended to close the code with return FALSE.

Thanks again for your reply

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Re: Assingning ownership to automatically created records

Post by pbottcher » 2024-07-13 06:24


as I did not try this scenaria, I'm not sure, why you would return FALSE, as returning FALSE would indicate that the record was not saved in the database, whereas it was in reality. Would be missleading. So as long as it works, no need to change it.
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Re: Assingning ownership to automatically created records

Post by a.gneady » 2024-07-13 14:59

The after_insert hook should return false only if you don't want to automatically set the owner of the record that has been inserted into your current table, espacios in this example. But in your case, you are inserting another record into the ocupacion table and setting its owner. In that case, the right step is to return TRUE; to containue with setting the owner of the newly-inserted espacios record.

I hope that helps.
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Re: Assingning ownership to automatically created records

Post by wilmira » 2024-07-15 22:32

Hello Ahmed,

Thank you very much, your answer is indeed helpful.

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