Help with BOM table issues

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Help with BOM table issues

Post by dge » 2024-07-09 21:12

We have a Products table, and a Bill of Materials (BOM) table consisting of products from the Products table.
Each product may have a BOM comprised of other products also in the Products table. This works fine at this level.

But now we want to enhance it a bit by showing product photos and descriptions of the products that are added to the BOM.
Auto-filling them doesn't work in this case because it auto-fills the photos and descriptions of the PARENT product, not the product being added to the BOM table.

How can we solve this? It seems it should be fairly simple but we're not able to create a working solution.

Any help is appreciated.

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Re: Help with BOM table issues

Post by zibrahim » 2024-07-10 01:45

Hi there,
Not sure if I got you right, but this is how I structured my BOM.
SCR-20240710-iswn.png (63.14 KiB) Viewed 533 times
so that I can have a flexibility to add additional field(s) to the "item(s)" under the BOM.
This will also helps in creating some slight variation of BOM under the same main product.

Hope this helps.
Appgini 24.17, MacOS 14.6 Windows 11 on Parallels.

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Re: Help with BOM table issues

Post by dge » 2024-07-10 14:30

Thanks very much, this will work!
We were hoping to avoid making two separate tables (bill of materials and bill of materials item) but it's probably easier than trying to write hooks and edit generated code, so we'll do it this way. Appreciate the help.

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