... r_x#p21224
However, I am looking for a way to explicit show in text on what columns is being filtered.
Is there a workarounds to create a inline text showing actively-filtered columns, separated with commas?
The closest that I can get to, is using the following code at footer-extras.php. It returns Filter 01, Filter 02,etc..
<div id="filter-container"></div>
$j(() => {
const filterFields = $j('[name^=FilterField]');
const filtersApplied = filterFields.filter(function() {
return $j(this).val() !== '';
if (filtersApplied.length > 0) {
const filterNames = {
return $j(this).attr('name');
}).get().join(', ');
$j('#filter-status').text(`Filters applied to: ${filterNames}`);
} else {
$j('#filter-status').text('No filters applied.');