Looking for some assistance.
I want to be able from the DV page, to click on the "Print Preview" button and a pop up message appears to display a message. The user will have to acknowledge before clicking the print button. Any assistance would much appreciated.
Looking for code help and location to put it .
Thank you!!!!!
Alert Pop Up message
Re: Alert Pop Up message
Re: Alert Pop Up message
Did you get this done, or would you like me to explain
Re: Alert Pop Up message
Hi there,
Based on Master Jan's original code
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4387&p=17911&hilit= ... 563#p17632
try the following
file : header-extras.php
file : TABLENAME-dv.js
happy coding...Have a nice day.
Based on Master Jan's original code
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4387&p=17911&hilit= ... 563#p17632
try the following
file : header-extras.php
Code: Select all
<!-- Alert Message on "DV Print Preview" -->
function confirmPrintDV(prompt = "Are your sure you want to Print Preview?") {
let tn = AppGini.currentTableName();
let btn = jQuery("#dvprint").attr("data-prompt", prompt);
let ico = btn.find("i.glyphicon").clone();
if (tn && btn.length) btn.attr("onclick", `return ${tn}_validateData() && confirm(this.getAttribute('data-prompt'))`).text(btn.text() + "...").prepend(ico);
Code: Select all
confirmPrintDV("Do you really want to Print Preview?");
Appgini 24.19, MacOS 15.2 Windows 11 on Parallels.
Appgini 24.19, MacOS 15.2 Windows 11 on Parallels.