CHANGE LOG - Historical Records of Field Content

Wish to see a specific feature/change in future releases? Feel free to post it here, and if it gets enough "likes", we'd definitely include it in future releases!
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CHANGE LOG - Historical Records of Field Content

Post by toconnell » 2013-04-26 14:35

It would be so nice to have a table in my database (optional) that recorded the changes to records, who did it and what the old content was and the new content.
I know you can generate a new email when a new record is added but I am talking about generating a log of changes.. maybe that purges after a set time (admin controls time e.g. one week, 100 records, ect..) It would be so nice to say.. when so and so denies screwing up my database.. yes you did it and here is the log of the day and time you did it and what it was before you did it so I can fix it. :) NICE option to say the least.
Tina O'Connell
Web Dev & Appgini FAN

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