Self Documentation improvement

Wish to see a specific feature/change in future releases? Feel free to post it here, and if it gets enough "likes", we'd definitely include it in future releases!
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Self Documentation improvement

Post by pilandros » 2024-09-30 21:25

It would be very helpful to have a button in each "table_view.php" generated for each table, to view the description of the table (the same table-description displayed on the main menu), to remind the user of the purpose and value of the data contained in the records of that table.

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Re: Self Documentation improvement

Post by ppfoong » 2024-10-01 04:25

Your table's "homepage description" data is stored in getTableList() function inside admin/incFunctions.php

You can display it in your table view or detail view using the hooks/tablename.php, by editing the tablename_header() or tablename_footer() portion.

If you want it to be displayed in every pages, can also add it in admin/incHeader.php or admin/incFooter.php file.

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