upgrade editor

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upgrade editor

Post by joebloogs » 2018-11-07 08:50

Hi Ahmed,

niceedit completed development in 2015, it would be great to see appgini updated to ckeditor or something.

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Re: upgrade editor

Post by sjohn » 2018-11-08 06:06

+ 1

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Re: upgrade editor

Post by a.gneady » 2018-11-28 12:33

I checked some editors recently to consider replacing nicedit ... the main criterion I'm looking for is a lightweight editor packaged as a single js file (with perhaps one css and one icons file max), all under 100KB. I checked Summernote and Trumbowyg as they met that criterion and looked promising ... Unfortunately, they have several buggy behaviors and overall, no big improvement over nicedit. ckEditor is a huge package with a lot of files, totaling 760KB for the "basic" package in its zipped format. I don't like to include all this huge package for just one component. So, I'm still researching other lightweight options.
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Re: upgrade editor

Post by jsetzer » 2018-11-28 14:03

This is a wise decision!
Kind regards,
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Re: upgrade editor

Post by Ionut Bocanet » 2024-11-17 13:50

Hello Dear Sirs,

I understand that nicEdit is much smother for the application but for the employees that are using the applications it is much easier summernote; it is much more interactive especially for pictures & tables which are very much used.

I succedded to implement the summernote in templateDV but I did not succeded to do it in footer-extras & table-dv.js files in order not to remain in the application after each update.

In is possible to point some hints please.

Thank you in advance
Ionut Bocanet
Best Regards,
Ionut Bocanet

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