4 very important features

Wish to see a specific feature/change in future releases? Feel free to post it here, and if it gets enough "likes", we'd definitely include it in future releases!
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4 very important features

Post by bambinou » 2014-02-06 16:22

Hi All,

Having tested many scripts all around and seeing the market moving fast, there are 3 important add on needed forAppgini:

1)Field encryption, do not forget that you cannot store employees details without encryption if you are in the EU, therefore any attempt to use this software for work reason can cost a lot of money if something goes wrong.

2)Graphs generation, all app nowadays have graphs. Pulling the data from the tables into graphs is a "Must have" feature.

3)Form to email. This is also something very well used all around at the moment where your data from the form is emailed to 1,2 or many other persons or emailed on conditions.
Form to email would let an employee for example submit all his daily reports to a manager who cannot always have a pc machine with him but most of the time a simple android phone, therefore send the data to email is top of the top at the moment for many companies.

Example: Email person A if the total is more than "this" or email person B if the column A has less than "that".
Or email person A everyday with the total.

I understand all of this can be hard coded but it removes the fun of all these new apps where we can just click here and there to get the same output(more efficient and simpler to use).

I hope this will help.

The market is moving really fast and the 3 above add ons will add security and efficiency to the script which in turn can only be positive for the user.



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Re: 4 very important features

Post by benzoD » 2014-02-14 16:04

Wow, which scripts specifically? They sound fascinating, and I'm very interested in trying out a database generator with integrated reporting in particular. Can you please post links or some names of these new apps? That would be very helpful!

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