Questions about AI and Plugins

Wish to see a specific feature/change in future releases? Feel free to post it here, and if it gets enough "likes", we'd definitely include it in future releases!
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Marcelo Vitoria
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Questions about AI and Plugins

Post by Marcelo Vitoria » 2025-01-29 21:57

Hi Ahmad, how are you?

Is there any possibility that Datatalk will start using Deepseek or Grook, which are free, instead of ChatTGP?

Another question: are there any plans to make a separate translation file for the Plugins? I can't implement plugins in English here.

Thanks and good luck!
Marcelo Vitoria
Coding since 1982 ! :geek:
Basic Sinclar - Clipper - Visual Foxpro - VB6 - PHP
AppGini 24.18 - AdminLTE - SPM

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