RUV - modificiations

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RUV - modificiations

Post by toconnell » 2013-12-02 21:07

I would love to use the RUV Resource Utilization Viewer on my exisiting app gini database. It comes with its own database and you have to add in the parameters individually. How do I get it to show route numbers, buses, drivers assigned to route numbers by route assignment dates. These fields are in my database and I would like to have the chart feature find this data and display it in the project gant type view.

Your help is greatly appreciated Ahmad!

Thanks, Tina
Tina O'Connell
Web Dev & Appgini FAN

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Re: RUV - modificiations

Post by toconnell » 2013-12-03 14:00

I figured out it was really chart.php that held the code needed for the RUV. I copied and pasted that into my appgini application database files and modified the code slightly to allow me to use the viewer on my resources. I thought I had it right.. using this code:

Code: Select all

	// config
	$chart = array(
		'dayWidth' => 3,
		'resourceHeight' => 40,
		'left' => 150,
		'top' => 90,
		'resourceSeparator' => 2,
		'colors' => array(
			'BurlyWood', 'DarkBlue', 'DarkOrange', 'DarkCyan', 'Aqua', 'CadetBlue', 'Chartreuse', 'Coral', 'DarkKhaki', 'DarkViolet', 'DodgerBlue', 'Gainsboro', 'Gold', 'GreenYellow', 'LightSalmon', 'Olive', 'PaleTurquoise', 'SlateGrey'

	// some initilization
	$project = $projectColor = $resource = $unavailableResource = $assignment = array();

	// chart parameters
	if(!$year)	$year=date('Y');
	// get projects
	$res=sql("SELECT routes.RouteNumber, RouteNumbers.RouteNo, RouteNumbers.Record_no, routes.DriverAssigned, routes.DriverAssignedpm FROM routes LEFT JOIN RouteNumbers ON RouteNumbers.Record_no=routes.RouteNumber", $eo);
		$project[$row[0]] = $row[1];
		$projectColor[$row[0]] = $chart['colors'][$i++];
	// get resources
	$res=sql("SELECT routes.RouteNumber, routes.UnitAssigned FROM routes", $eo);
		$resource[$row[0]] = $row[1];
		if(!$row[2])	$unavailableResource[$row[0]] = $row[1];
	// get assignments for open projects for selected year
	$assignment = array();
	$res=sql("SELECT routes.RouteNumber FROM routes WHERE route_start_date<='$StartDate' and route_stop_date>='$EndDate'", $eo);
		$assignment[] = array(
			'Id' => $row['Id'],
			'ProjectId' => $row['ProjectId'],
			'ResourceId' => $row['ResourceId'],
			'StartTS' => strtotime($row['StartDate']),
			'EndTS' => strtotime($row['EndDate']),
			'Commitment' => $row['Commitment']
		$resourceProject[$row['ResourceId']][$row['ProjectId']] = count($resourceProject[$row['ResourceId']]);
				View code begins below
	// Years navigator
	$prevYear = $year - 1;
	$nextYear = $year + 1;
	<!-- refresh content every minute -->
	<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="60;url=chart.php?year=<?php echo $year; ?>">
	<div id="years-nav">
		<a href="chart.php?year=<?php echo $prevYear; ?>"><?php echo $prevYear; ?></a>
		<?php echo $year; ?>
		<a href="chart.php?year=<?php echo $nextYear; ?>"><?php echo $nextYear; ?></a>
	// Display month grid lines
	$prevLeft = $chart['left'];
	$thisMonth = date('n');
	$thisYear = date('Y');
	for($m=1; $m<=12; $m++){
		$daysPerMonth = date('t', strtotime("$year-$m-01"));
				position: absolute;
				left: <?php echo $prevLeft; ?>px;
				height: <?php echo ((count($resource) + 1) * ($chart['resourceHeight'] + $chart['resourceSeparator'])); ?>px;
				border-left: dotted 1px Silver;
				<?php if($m==12){ ?>border-right: dotted 1px Silver;<?php } ?>
				top: <?php echo ($chart['top'] + $chart['resourceHeight'] + $chart['resourceSeparator']); ?>px;
				text-align: center;
				font-family: Arial; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold;
				width: <?php echo ($daysPerMonth * $chart['dayWidth']); ?>px;
			<?php echo date('M Y', strtotime("$year-$m-01")); ?>
		// today line
		if($year==$thisYear && $m==$thisMonth){
				title="Today, <?php echo date('j/n/Y'); ?>"
					border-left: solid 2px DarkRed;
					position: absolute;
					top: <?php echo ($chart['top'] + ($chart['resourceHeight'] + $chart['resourceSeparator']) * 1.5); ?>px;
					left: <?php echo ($prevLeft + (date('j') - 1) * $chart['dayWidth']); ?>px;
					height: <?php echo ((count($resource) + 0.5) * ($chart['resourceHeight'] + $chart['resourceSeparator'])); ?>px;
					z-index: 2;
		$prevLeft += $daysPerMonth * $chart['dayWidth'];
	// Display resource names
	foreach($resource as $ResourceId => $ResourceName){
		$available = (array_key_exists($ResourceId, $unavailableResource) ? false : true);
				position: absolute;
				top: <?php echo ($chart['resourceHeight'] * ($ResourceId + 1) + $chart['top'] + $ResourceId * $chart['resourceSeparator']); ?>px;
				border-bottom: solid 1px Silver;
				width: 98%;
				height: <?php echo intval($chart['resourceHeight']); ?>px;
				font-family: Arial;
				font-size: 12px;
					href="resources_view.php?SelectedID=<?php echo $ResourceId; ?>"
						text-decoration: <?php echo ($available ? 'none' : 'line-through'); ?>;
						color: <?php echo ($available ? 'DarkBlue' : 'Silver'); ?>;
					"><?php echo $ResourceName; ?></a>

	// Display project assignment bars
	$yearStartTS = strtotime(date("$year-01-01"));
	$yearEndTS = strtotime(date("$year-12-31 23:59:59"));
	foreach($assignment as $assDetails){
		$chartStartTS = max($assDetails['StartTS'], $yearStartTS);
		$chartEndTS = min($assDetails['EndTS'], $yearEndTS);
				position: absolute;
				width: <?php echo intval(($chartEndTS - $chartStartTS + 86400) / 86400 * $chart['dayWidth']); ?>px;
				left: <?php echo intval(($chartStartTS - strtotime("$year-01-01")) / 86400 * $chart['dayWidth'] + $chart['left']); ?>px;
				height: <?php echo intval($chart['resourceHeight'] * $assDetails['Commitment']); ?>px;
				background-color: <?php echo $projectColor[$assDetails['ProjectId']]; ?>;
				top: <?php echo ($chart['resourceHeight'] * ($assDetails['ResourceId'] + 1) + $chart['top'] + $assDetails['ResourceId'] * $chart['resourceSeparator'] + ($assDetails['Commitment'] < 1 ? ($resourceProject[$assDetails['ResourceId']][$assDetails['ProjectId']] ? (1-$assDetails['Commitment']) * $chart['resourceHeight'] : 0) : 0)); ?>px;
				cursor: pointer;
				text-align: center;
				font-size: 10px;
				font-family: Arial;
				color: Black;
				font-weight: bold;
				opacity: 0.5;
			title="<?php echo ($project[$assDetails['ProjectId']].': '.$resource[$assDetails['ResourceId']]); ?>. <?php echo ($assDetails['Commitment'] * 100); ?>% commitment from <?php echo date('j/n/Y', $assDetails['StartTS']); ?> to <?php echo date('j/n/Y', $assDetails['EndTS']); ?>"
			onclick="window.location='assignments_view.php?SelectedID=<?php echo $assDetails['Id']; ?>';">
				<?php echo $project[$assDetails['ProjectId']]; ?>

But all resources are not used or assigned to routes, not sure where the flaw is but it shows all the bus numbers on the left column and they are all greyed out with a line through them like the used resource style shows. Not sure what more I need to get this working? Your help is apprecieated.
Tina O'Connell
Web Dev & Appgini FAN

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Re: RUV - modificiations

Post by toconnell » 2013-12-03 14:04

I also wish to make it include start time and stop time for the route..
so it shows in the viewer resources available in different time slots.

Thanks, T
Tina O'Connell
Web Dev & Appgini FAN

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