Hello Olaf and friends!
I've new to the forums but have been using appgini for a few years.
I'm not the best coder but I've made do with appgini throughout the years but I seriously need some help this time.

I've been trying to implement field permissions and have tried every version with a similar problem.
I have reset my database and redone it step-by-step multiple times!
View_membership_groups = Good
but my tmp_tables_fields table is empty and so my db_field_permissions won't load.
If I don't do step 5 and erase/remove these:
Code: Select all
//Field Permissions Code
if (!function_exists('fill_tmp_tables_fields')) {
// For help on using hooks, please refer to https://bigprof.com/appgini/help/advanced-topics/hooks/
function db_field_permission_init(&$options, $memberInfo, &$args) {
return TRUE;
Then the db_field_permissions table will load but the tmp_tables_fields is still blank.
I ran these sql and everything seems to be fine in the backend. (photos attached)
Code: Select all
Is there something wrong with the calling of my function fill_tmp_tables_fields(){
am I doing something wrong?
Please help I'm stressing! I believe the field settings are a bit off as well but i don't think it's causing this issue.
I've read through the others comments but couldn't find a solution. (I believe "ckebbell" back in 2020 may have had a similar issue but the solution was not posted.)
V.1.21 field permissions script with Appgini 24.17
Thank You.
(Also, I'm a big fan of all of the appgini team and am excited to finally be able to post and advance. Thank you for your time and all your continued hard work!)