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Post by theyland » 2022-12-09 16:14

Has anyone managed to get AppGini running under Linux?
Does not work for me with either playonlinux or CrossOver.

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Re: Linux

Post by grimblefritz » 2022-12-13 19:49

Yes, but under Virtualbox. So, no, not what you meant.

Yes, I "almost" have it working with Bottles on Mint.

Everything is perfect until I try to Generate. Then I get an error that it does not have permissions.

Poking around under vbox with procmon64 (from sysinternals) I can see that this occurs when AG tries to create/write to test-write.txt and I've received no reply from AG about this.

What's really interesting is that it seems to be trying to do this in the output directory. Same place I was able to create the axp file, modify and save it, and can otherwise create/modify/delete files. Just not Generate. (It could be the destination for test-write.txt is NOT the output directory, but that would be pointless unless it is trying to verify some other location, like for temp files.)

If anyone can figure out this test-write.txt thing, then I believe running under Bottles would be a great bonus for Linux users. It requires someone with inside knowledge of the AG exe and more WINE know-how than I have.

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Re: Linux

Post by jknapp » 2023-03-30 23:30

I know this is an old thread but, maybe it will help others. I use Appgini on Linux. I used Linux Mint 21.1, Mate

This program is so important to me that I made a dedicated machine for it. I bought a small CPU with a ssd and installed everything on it.
I installed the OS, did all the updates. Then I installed a VPN because I need it to connect to the USA. I live outside the USA. Sometimes that can be tricky, so I wanted to get that all working. I then installed wine 8.0 8.0 is a major improvement over other versions.
I then installed Play on Linux. Then I followed the Appgini instructions. ... untu-linux
I did have to download the msvbvm60.dll and copy it to drive_c/Program Files. I used the debug in Play on Linux to find where to put it. I first installed apgini 22 and later 23.
I am very happy with it and so grateful I don't have to use windows.

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AppGini Super Hero
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Joined: 2015-12-23 16:52

Re: Linux

Post by grimblefritz » 2023-10-18 13:14

I ended up picking up an old (2018) laptop, put a SSD in it and maxed out the RAM. Connected it to my network and configured Windows to not auto-update (metered connection, etc.) Installed AG and remote access and now it sits on top of the bookshelf. Runs fine and doesn't add a bunch of overhead to my Linux workstation.

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