Sharing one of my Appgini projects done around 3 years ago.
This is a payment planner for personal/family/organization/company use.
Every month, we have recurring and also variable payment commitments.
Recurring payments can be of fixed amount everytime, eg. car loan, house loan, insurance premium, etc. or can be different amount everytime, eg. electricity bill, water bill, phone bill, etc.
Recurring payments can be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly, etc.
On top of those recurring payments, there are also payments that not in fixed intervals.
This app lets you setup all those payments once, and they will be autoposted every month for you, so you can keep track on what payments you need to pay. In this way, you won't miss out your payment and incurred with late charge/interest/penalty.
On top of the autoposted items, you can also manually add in other (non-recurring) payment records that are not autoposted.
After the payment is done, you can key in your payment detail - payment mode, payment option, payment amount, etc. So at a glance, you know which items have already paid, and which haven't.
For each payment items, there is an owner and a payer, which can be different person. For example, the father paid for school fees for his children, the owner is the child, and the payer is the father.
This is a very simple app that I created within 2 days, thanks to the fantastic Appgini which enables us to create fully functional apps in really just a little time.
There are a lot of enhancements can be made, for example, by putting a calendar view by using Calendar Plugin, generate some reports with your data, etc.
Key technical showcase:
This app showcases how to do auto-posting with AppGini's hooks. You can use the same technique for auto-posting scenario in your apps, such as billing system, supply chain replenishment, etc.
1. Generate your codes with the AXP file.
2. Copy over the files in hooks and image folders to your generated directory.
3. The pmtplanner-essential.sql file contains data for some of the essential master tables. Import them into your database. You can edit the data in those tables to suit your actual usage.
AppGini Showcase
Re: AppGini Showcase
- Attachments
- Payment
- AppGini AXP, customized files and db master tables
- (92.58 KiB) Downloaded 44 times
Re: AppGini Showcase
Showcase cascading dropdown with a sample form.
Also sharing out the precious database of world countries, states and cities, which I think can be used in many apps.
Source of database: ... s-database
Note: I have to trim down the city table from more than 150k records to only a few, due to file upload size limitation. You can get the full city list from the above URL.
1. Generate your codes with the AXP file.
2. Copy over the files in hooks folder to your generated directory.
3. Login as admin, go to Admin Area, use the CSV import function to import the 3 CSV files in the imports directory into your database.
Note: Since Google is charging for using their map API, and setting up Google map API with AppGini is quite complicated, I use alternative way to display the maps.
Also sharing out the precious database of world countries, states and cities, which I think can be used in many apps.
Source of database: ... s-database
Note: I have to trim down the city table from more than 150k records to only a few, due to file upload size limitation. You can get the full city list from the above URL.
1. Generate your codes with the AXP file.
2. Copy over the files in hooks folder to your generated directory.
3. Login as admin, go to Admin Area, use the CSV import function to import the 3 CSV files in the imports directory into your database.
Note: Since Google is charging for using their map API, and setting up Google map API with AppGini is quite complicated, I use alternative way to display the maps.
- Attachments
- Locations.7z
- AppGini AXP, customized files and CSV import files
- (143.88 KiB) Downloaded 25 times