I'm struggling a little bit with an end user usability issue related to lookups. I'm sure it's an easy fix, but it's... irking me!
I know that when you use lookup fields this converts the "database values" into integer values, but (is meant to) keep the cosmetic name in place.
Let me try to explain by focusing on the table relationships:
1. "Companies" Table with id, Company Name
2. "Instruments" Table with id, Company_ID, Company_Name, Instrument_name
Company_ID is a lookup to Companies.id
Company_name is a lookup to Companies.Company_Name, with autofill selected. <- This retains the cosmetic company name
3. "Accounts" Table with id, instrument_ID, Instrument_Name, Company_Name
Instrument_ID is a lookup to Instruments.id
Company_Name is a lookup to Instruments.Company_Name <-- My problem is here. This value shows as an integer and not the Company Name
Instrument_Name is a lookup to Instruments.Instrument_Name <-- loads correctly
How do I make Accounts.Company_Name show the text description and not the lookup integer value?
This is also impacting some SQL lookups as I can't join an integer value to the original table text value, hence why I've added an integer based linking key (e.g. Instruments.company_id) in the tables so my SQL's will work.
Thanks in advance for any help or advice!