nothing happens on my form

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nothing happens on my form

Post by pasbonte » 2023-12-03 17:52


I have a subscription to the bookstore. I put the AppGiniHelper.min file.js at the root of my siteI created a file in HOOKS GES_DEMANDE_HSE_2324-dv.js

This file contains:

Code: Select all

new AppGiniFields(["NAME", "FIRSTNAME"]).inline("NAME");

and nothing happens on my form.

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Re: nothing happens on my form

Post by jsetzer » 2023-12-03 18:13

There are so many reasons, mainly misconfiguration and syntax errors. First of all, check in console if the file has been loaded at all and if there are more red errors in console.

If all red errors are fixed, check for warnings. The library often gives hints like fields not found. Double check exact writing of fieldnames.

There is a troubleshooting guide:

If still not working after fixing the errors, please post some more detailed bug report here.
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Re: nothing happens on my form

Post by pasbonte » 2023-12-03 19:02

ok je vais chercher

j'ai cela :

Capture d'écran 2023-12-03 200107.png
Capture d'écran 2023-12-03 200107.png (56.98 KiB) Viewed 4530 times

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Re: nothing happens on my form

Post by jsetzer » 2023-12-03 20:25

Sorry, I'm not speaking French.
As you can see, there is a problem with your includes. Please check the file locations and correct include commands according to the docs. ... et-started

Red errors should be fixed first.
Kind regards,
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