I don't appear to be receiving any error messages in inspect/console, only confirmation that it has recognised the AppGini Helper Jacascript library. When compared to the "before" situation the only difference seems to be that I have lost the icons that were there.
My hooks/header-extras.php currently looks like this (The company name has been redacted):-
Code: Select all
<script src="hooks/AppGiniHelper.min.js"></script>
// Set header on all screen in the system
new AppGiniCommon()
.setIcon("time", "text-danger")
.setTitle("<b>XXXXXXXX XXXX</b> Time Sheet System");
// new since 2020/10 - Tidy up Child Icons and move from top right to top left on all screens
var dv = AppGiniHelper.DV;
// ...
const currentMemberID = '<?=getLoggedMemberID()?>';
const currentGroupID = '<?=get_group_id()?>'
const currentGroupName = '<?php $mi = getMemberInfo(); echo $mi['group']; ?>';
I have cleared cache (several times) and am using AppGini 5.92. I'm obviously doing something wrong.
Can anyone help please?